This zone also has custom made gimmicks and obje contraption that Sonic can hang on and will shoot him very far. Most of this level already has recreations of Sonic gimmicks, such as pinball flippers, running screw, teleportation orb, fireball shooters, hanging bars, speed boosters, and breakable walls. Nearly every tile looks like a square with an X on it.
This engine contains just 1 level, which is a Test Level. There are different versions, although v0.5 is recommended since the others require more extensions to open the engine. The engine can modify and do anything, such as making simple objects such as springs, switches, doors, spikes, rings, and anything else.

On iOS, and Sonic 1 and 2 Classic on Android aswell as Sonic Mania, but the physics aren't as accurate. This engine is a recreation of the classic Sonic engine similar to Christan Whitehead's Retro Engine used in Sonic CD 2011, Sonic 1 and shit This is the engine that LakeFeperd uses to create his Sonic fangames. Sonic Worlds Engine is an engine created by Damizean and many others in Multimedia Fusion 2.